
Bees and Pesticides: How To Protect Our Essential Pollinators

Who knew the phrase ‘busy bees’ could actually be translated into dollars? We knew they were essential pollinators for our flowers and crops, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture has actually valued their added revenue to crop production at $18 billion!

Unfortunately, since 2006, the number of honey bee colonies has declined for many reasons, including the wide use of pesticides in homes and agricultural fields in America. In 2019, researchers committed to finding solutions to the problem, but there are ways you can help too.

Bees and Pesticides: The Problem

Bees are exposed to harmful pesticides in several different ways. First, direct contact. Just because pesticides aren’t targeting bees directly, doesn’t mean they won’t be killed if they are active when the pesticide is sprayed near or on the target plants or crops they are pollinating. Another way these pollinators are affected is when they make residue contact through leaves or flowers recently treated with pesticides.

A pesticide can contaminate the hive if it is accidentally sprayed with a formula when applied to the surrounding landscape. Hives are also affected when a bee ingests a toxic solution in the nectar or pollen it collects and brings it back to the colony, causing many bees to die. Such a loss exposes the bees to other diseases and leaves the hive with fewer workers to do the bees’ important jobs.

Bees and Pesticides: The Solution

The Environmental Protection Agency has come up with several solutions to protect our beloved bees. One way is to try and replace crop dusting with granular soil treatments or quick-drying solutions. Also, if plants need spraying, apply the product at sunset after bees have returned to their hives. Again, use a quick-drying formula that does not leave a powdery residue on any flowers.

How can you help protect the bee population? We’re glad you asked! Everyone with access to a yard who chooses not to use synthetic pesticides is helping to create a friendly environment for our awesome pollinators. The best solution is to use independently tested nontoxic treatments made from natural ingredients that won’t harm the bees.

An effective pest deterrent can be created from vinegar and salt combined with natural oils sourced from peppermint, garlic, rosemary, cinnamon, clove and thyme. This natural solution effectively keeps any area pest-free when applied every two weeks from March through October. In addition to helping the bees, you also protect yourself and your family from the effects of harmful pesticides by using natural products.

Bees are an essential contributor to healthy crops and flowers, whether in backyard gardens or agricultural fields. Unfortunately, bees and pesticides are a deadly combination, so eliminating the use of these toxic solutions is one of the best ways to protect these essential pollinators.

Bee Friendly Pest Control offers a pesticide-free solution to rid your yard of unwanted pests. Our proprietary blend of organic, natural oils keeps the ticks, mosquitos and fleas out of your yard without harming bees. Give us a buzz today for a free consultation by calling 1-888-4BEE.LUV or send an email to info@beefriendlypest.com.



  • James Smith

    James Smith is the founder and owner of Bee Friendly Pest Control, a pest control company out of Southern New Jersey specializing in removing mosquitos for homeowners and businesses while not harming bees. James believes in only using the most high quality, safe chemicals for pest control.

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