Our Blog

Can Non-Toxic Pest Control Help Reduce Allergies in Your Home?
Why Allergies Happen in Your Home Are you sneezing more than usual? The culprit could be pests in your home! At BeeFriendly, we believe in safe, non-toxic pest control that not only eliminates pests but also helps reduce allergies. With years of experience in...

What is the Connection Between Pest Control and Water Pollution?
Water is life. Yet, many of our water sources are being polluted, often from unexpected places. Did you know that common pest control practices are one of the hidden culprits? The use of synthetic pesticides can have dangerous effects on our water supply, harming not...

Keep Your Home Pest-Free This Fall: Easy, Eco-Friendly Tips
As the weather cools down, you might see fewer mosquitoes and think ticks are no longer a concern. But did you know that ticks can stay active in cooler temperatures and actually become a bigger issue in the fall? Meanwhile, mosquitoes don’t completely disappear,...
Creating a Bee-Friendly Community: Tips for Neighborhood Initiatives
“In nature nothing exists alone" — RACHEL CARSON, SILENT SPRING Nothing exists in isolation, as everything is interconnected. Each thing relies on others for support, while also contributing in return. Take the case of the pesticide DDT, for example. People initially...